Five Hot Tips To Build Your Email List

You’ve heard it said a thousand times – the money is in the list! It’s true- you need a good strong email list if your marketing efforts are going to pay off.

The question is – what can you do to build that list? There are specific steps you can take to increase the subscribers to your list. Some take a little time, some take just a minute and pay off over time.

If you’re ready to start building your email list, don’t wait any longer! Start putting these ideas into practice today and watch your list grow like wildfire.

1. If you want subscribers, ask for them!
Put an opt-in form on every page of your website and your blog. Make it easy to find and easy to fill out. At this point, the only information you really need is their name and their email address. If your form requires subscribers to include their physical address and telephone number, they will be less inclined to sign up. By keeping it simple, you encourage people to opt-in.

2. Offer an incentive to encourage sign-up.
People hesitate to sign up for email lists for a couple of reasons. Most of us have busy inboxes and worry about adding to yet more email.

Other times, people just hesitate to share their email address without a little incentive. By offering a free gift, such as a download, you let them know you consider their email valuable enough to be worth something in exchange.

You can offer a free special report, an MP3 or special access to a teleseminar or membership site. The point is to give them something of real value in exchange for allowing you to contact them with your emails.

Providing an incentive is one of the most successful tips to encourage people to opt-in to your list. Once you have their email address, don’t abuse it with a barrage of sales pitches. Instead, blend your sales pitch with helpful tips, advice, interesting news and perhaps a little humor.  That will go a long way in keeping your subscribers on board and interested.

3. Spend some time optimizing your website to increase traffic.
Once you have added a sign-up form on every page of your website, increased traffic will lead to more subscribers to your email list.

By investing some time into search engine optimization, you will raise your site’s page rank and draw more targeted visitors to your homepage. If SEO isn’t your thing, it is well worth your investment to hire someone to do it for you. There are plenty of excellent SEO professionals available on the Internet. Search around and ask for recommendations to find one who has experience. (Hint: their own ranking in the search engine results page is an excellent indicator of how well they know their stuff!)

4. Don’t forget about social medial marketing!
Social media websites are some of the hottest places to reach prospects. By engaging in regular, relationship building social media efforts, you will also increase traffic to your website- and subscribers to your email list.

Sites like Facebook and Twitter allow you to post a link in your profile or bio, so link to your free download opt-in page to add subscribers to your list.

5. Joint Venture opportunities
These are great ways to build your list fast. However, choose your partners carefully.  You’ll have much greater success with partners that have a reputation for integrity, authority and a large following.

Building your email list doesn’t have to be a chore. These five suggestions will leverage the time and effort you put into growing your email list with lots of potential customers and consequently more sales.

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