Build Your Email List At The Same Time By Offering A Free E-Book

List Building is more challenging for newcomers to home based Internet business marketing than it is for experienced web biz marketers, but no matter whether you are a newbie or a veteran, the current size of your email list is not nearly as important as a sustained commitment to an ongoing List Building campaign.

Web biz success depends on effective list building. List building involves the practice of gathering the names and email addresses of potential customers who may be interested in the products, programs or services you have to offer.

Most people surfing the Internet are looking for information and insight into topics and issues that are important to them. For more details Many surfers are looking for the secrets to web biz success. You can help fill this need and build your email list at the same time by offering a free e-Book on a topic directly related to your marketing niche or the theme of your website.

e-Books are very popular and free e-Books attract the most attention. If the promo for your free e-Book can demonstrate to your targeted prospects that the information contained in the e-Book will be of benefit to them, they will happily opt in to your email list to get their hands on your e-Book.

You can write the e-Book yourself, or you can do an Internet search to find them free from web biz marketers who, in exchange, will want to include their resource box or advertising in the e-Book.

Although list building using free e-Books from other Internet marketers it is not the preferred way to do it, it can still serve your purpose: you get a free resource that is ready to go, your prospects get the information they seek, and you end up with their name and email address on your list.

A second way to use free e-Books to build your list is by getting pre-written e-Books from web biz marketing companies and affiliate programs that let you \”rebred\” the e-Book with your own name, contact info and web biz links.

Often, with this method, the web biz company or affiliate program will include links in the e-Book that point to their sales pages or services. For more details Usually, when a prospect follows one of those links and makes a purchase, you get the credit or commission as the referring affiliate.

Once again, your key benefit and purpose for using this method is to give your prospect something of value and get their name and email address on your list.

The best way to use free e-Books to build your list is by writing them yourself. That way, you have full creative control and complete marketing rights for the e-Book.

To write the e-Book, draw upon your web biz marketing experience. For additional insight to round out the e-Book, you can research other information resources, but never use any material written by others without first getting express permission to do so. Always respect copyright.

After writing the content for your e-Book, the next challenge might be finding the best software to help you format the e-Book and prepare it for easy Internet distribution.

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