Build a email list to attract and retain your customers

Build a Opt-In Mailing List To Supercharge Your Business. by Charles Jenkins

Email marketing can be a great way to attract many customers to you business of webiste. An opt-in mailing list is a source of peoples email addresses and names in which they give you permission to email them material. When thinking of opt in mailing list there are many do‘s and don‘t you must understand in order to create a effective email marketing campaign:


1. Promote the mailing list by putting a email form on your website in order to gain email‘s of prospective customers.

2. On your email signature, inform people that they can subscribe to your mailing list.

3. One of the main things you want to do is ask people if they want to be included on your email list, if you don‘t you could be considered a spammer.

4. Always promote your mailing list subscription no matter where you are, it‘s good to constantly collect a steady stream of names to build the biggest list you can.

5. It’s good to be upfront with people and let them know specifically what you intend to send them and the frequency of your email promotions. The last thing you would want to do is cause a incontinence.


1. Don‘t assume that all of your customers want to be added to your list, always ask them permission first.

2. Don‘t purchase list from just anyone, always make sure the list are genuine and that all of the people on the list are really opt-in customers. It’s actually very cheap to build a mailing list than many think, as you conduct your business on a regular basis just collect the names and emails of opt-in customers and compile a huge list of people who would be interested in receiving emails of your promotions.

There are many, and I mean many ways to start a huge mailing list but I have listed some of the most effective methods below:

1. Offer a free newsletter. This method uses the word “FREE” (the most powerful word in marketing) and it gives you the opportunity to constantly stay in contact with your customers.

2. Make customers interested in your mailing list. Use interesting tag lines and phrases when advertising your mailing list subscription.

3. You must include high quality content within your newsletter, what’s the sense of sending a newsletter if you people who receive it aren’t interested in what it has to say.

4. You can use online forums and discussions to market your service and products. This will get people interested in what you have to offer and they will in turn be interested in subscribing to you list.

A key part of building a email list is to capture your target audience. Some of the key steps of building a high quality mailing list are listed below:

1. Use offers and promotions that will appeal to your target audience.

2. It‘s a good idea to make sure you have access to your target audience, both online and offline.

3. Don‘t become wasteful in terms of your financing of building a mailing list.

4. Within every market there are problems. Log on to online forums and discussion boards and address these problems with possible solutions.

5. Set up a area on your website that directly promotes your mailing list, this is a great way to get people interested in how they can benefit from receiving your list.

6. Attract potential subscribers with freebies, coupons and anything else that can trigger a positive response and a interest in what you have to offer.

7. Last and not least don’t limit yourself, If there is a target audience out there make every practical effort to find them and get them on your list.

I own a business and I have tried many ways to drive customers to my webstie and these are what I found the be the most effective. My business sells video games so we target mostly younger customers who would most likely be interested in video games, fortunately for us this is about all young people. We offer them things like free game give aways and video game cheats to get them interested in our email list, after they sign-up we offer them coupons for our video games. This is the basis of our email list campaign and it seems to work just fine.

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