Learn How A Squeeze Page Can Gather Names For Your List

Today squeeze pages are considered to be a very effective tool for gathering information for email marketing campaigns.  Your squeeze page can provide you with a reliable and authentic list of email names and addresses that will help make your campaign a success.

Squeeze pages are easily designed and don’t take long to create.  So how does a squeeze page work?  Well, an effective squeeze page will offer the visitor some kind of useful information in return for the visitor’s name and email address.

Perhaps you’ve written an ebook that can be given as a gift – or maybe you have an MP3 recording or an article on your topic that you could offer.  A subscription to a newsletter you’re writing is another good idea.  The visitor will then need to provide his or her information before the gift can be downloaded.

Remember, the visitor who is willing to leave his name and address in return for your gift is already interested in the product or information you have to offer, making him or her a good candidate for your email campaign.

Collecting this information by using a squeeze page can be a slower method than others, but since it is targeted information, it’s well worth the wait.  As time goes on and you collect more and more names and addresses for your list, you will have formed a substantial foundation of interested addressees for your email campaigns.

So you see, a squeeze page can be profitable addition to your internet business!

If you’d like information about starting your own online business website as well as other related fields, I’ve just completed a new ebook entitled “Learn How to Easily Create Your Own Website and Actually Understand the Full Process”.

Download it free here:  http://www.newwebsiteteacher.com/index2.html

Sharon Zolna and Larry Zolna are authors of numerous articles as well as instructors of website creation for an online business and other related fields.  Please visit our website at:  http://www.newwebsiteteacher.com/index2.html and sign up for frequent tips on creating your own online business website.

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Sharon Zolna and Larry Zolna are authors of numerous articles as well as instructors of website creation for an online business and other related fields. Please visit our website at: http://www.newwebsiteteacher.com/index2.html and sign up for frequent tips on creating your own online business website.