3 Surefire Factors to a Killer Squeeze Page That Can Double Your Conversion

You often heard of internet gurus telling you the importance of setting up a squeeze page. Do you know that an ordinary squeeze page without some of the necessary factors is not going to help you build a massive list.

Setting up a squeeze page is an easy task that can be done within an hour. But what really separates a converting from a non-converting squeeze page lies in the below 3 factors

1) You need a compelling headline: Do you know that your headline is the most important section of your entire squeeze page as it will determine whether your prospect will continue to read the rest of the squeeze page. If you are unable to capture the attention of your prospect when he or she reads the headline, the rest of your copy will be put to waste. In short, your headline should be one that can arouse curiosity among your prospects.

2) Bulleted Benefits To Show Why They Should Join Your List: After your prospect finish reading the headline, you should show some reasons or benefits why they should join your list. Most people nowadays are very wary about giving people their emails, especially to strangers. Therefore you need a compelling benefits why they should trust you. You can also add in testimonials to build credibility.

3) Strong Call To Action:
Testing has shown that a squeeze page that provides a strong call to action such as “Enter Your Name And Email Address Below Now To Learn ….” increases the conversion of your squeeze page more than one which do not have. Therefore it is very important for you to provide your prospect information on what you want them to do.

Once you have incorporated these 3 factors to your squeeze page, you will definitely increase your conversion.

Now put this into practice and you will see the result soon.

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Kelvin Lee is the founder of Internet Success Hub, a platform that provides informative help for internet marketers of all levels. For more Internet Marketing Strategies, drop by http://www.InternetSuccessHub.com today