Affiliate Marketing–Building an Email List

Any affiliate marketer knows that their lifeblood is advertising. It can be rather simple to drive some traffic to an affiliate link, but what happens to each person that visits the affiliate webpage? A few will buy, but most will leave for whatever reason and the effort to get that person to that site is wasted. An email or subscriber list is a must to leverage advertising efforts and dollars. Capturing a prospect’s name and email address allows the marketer to place offers in front of them again and again over time. List building can lead to a very effective way to make money on the internet and is easier to do than most people think.

The first thing that’s needed to build a list is a web capture page. This is a simple web page that has a form on it to capture a prospect’s name, email address etc. This page doesn’t have to be elaborate by any means but it does have to offer something of perceived value to the prospect. The idea is to entice the prospect to fill in the form with their information. One of the best ways to get that information is to offer the prospect a free report or e-book in exchange for their name and email address. A marketer may either write their own free report or use a report or e-book written by someone else. Make sure permission is granted to use the report as a free giveaway by the original writer!

The next step is to link the web page to a reputable auto responder through the form. An auto responder is a company that is capable of managing the marketers email list by storing each prospect’s information and sending emails automatically. The marketer loads their emails into the auto responder which then sends each prospect the messages at preset intervals. A reputable auto responder also helps marketers avoid spamming others which can lead to a bad reputation or even legal trouble. Usually, the web form to capture a prospects name and email address is supplied by the auto responder and can be pasted onto the capture page.

Lastly, of course is to drive traffic to the capture page. It should be targeted traffic so that visitors will find the information offered valuable enough to leave their name and email address. Also, that prospect will probably be likely to respond in the future to your offers geared toward the niche they were researching in the first place to find your capture page. There are several methods of driving traffic to the capture page which can’t be covered in one article.

In conclusion, this basic outline to list building should help in formulating a plan to get started. There is quite a bit of technicalities involved but the most important point of all is to form a plan and take action. Building an email list is vital for any affiliate marketer to make money on the internet. Take the time to put this into action and do the research. In a little time, the profits could come rolling in.

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Jelena Leger is a mother of four and happily married. She has been marketing online from home since 2008. Her goal is to help others get started making money online. Free ebook of insider secrets