Squeeze Page: 3 Techniques to a Higher Traffic Conversion Rate

Consider that the target traffic surely lands on a squeeze page, how can this traffic then be converted to customers or potential customers? Given that the squeeze page is where the viewers will decide to know more about the business, product, or service it offers, then there must me a technique on increasing the rate of conversion.

The term conversion means the instance when a regular viewer becomes a customer; or the potential customer closing a sale. In general, there are 3 keys to raise conversion rate through the squeeze page. These are what most of the successful online businesses have in their page.

1. Personalization is the initial way to increase conversion rate. This involves having a photo and signature on the page. A photo could be a simple formal picture of the owner, and the signature is a scanned physical signature added at the bottom of the page. Sometimes a choice between a photo and a signature will do but having both of these will surely lead to gaining the trust of the viewers.

The visitors will be more confident in purchasing as they know that they will not be scammed and that somebody will take care of them when they need assistance related to the purchase.

2. Use black text over white background. Aside from quicker loading time, this adds to the professional look of the page. It is a simple but powerful way in creating a page. Besides, one doesn’t need to think about good color combination with it since the page will just go with black or white.

3. The page must have a free offer. This is very important in list building. Such free offers could be a free software trial, or a product sample. It depends on what the business caters to. This would give way to future up-selling and introducing affiliate products. This technique is very effective because it allows the potential customers to try the offer and have a good judgment on it before purchasing. This builds trust. To add, a money back guarantee would further develop this trust, leading to a purchase.

Once applied to the squeeze page, these 3 techniques will help in raising the conversion rate. Though huge traffic will be generated to a site, it will not lead to success if the squeeze page to use is lousy or a bit desperate. If there is a certainty that a squeeze page will lead the traffic to a higher conversion rate, then the only problem to solve is how to initially drive traffic to the site.

This shows how a squeeze page works together with the generated traffic. In addition, when a business gets the target traffic directed to its site it is good to be confident that the page where the people will land will be compelling enough to make a sale. With this confidence, signing up for a traffic exchange program could be a great idea. The targeted traffic will be led to the enticing page. Increase in conversion is next, and the end is business success.

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Tim Rash has been engaged with Traffic Exchange for years. His business venture has been helping a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs towards success. To know more, click on free traffic