Improving Your Squeeze Page

Anyone who is involved with Internet marketing understands the need to turn your website visitors into long-term customers. We may spend a lot of time and money in order to pull those visitors into our website, only to see them go away and never return again. Although we may get a sale here and there and our numbers may be somewhat good, if we are simply sending people away in this manner we are leaving a lot of money on the table. What is the best way in order to make sure that you make more of your visitors into customers? Add a squeeze page to your website and began taking some information.

The reason why it is so important to incorporate a squeeze page into your website is because it is the perfect way to get people to leave you their e-mail address and any other information that you need. As long as you have your squeeze page setup correctly, you would be surprised with the number of individuals who will actually fill out the information. There are a couple of things that you need to take into consideration, however, when it comes to setting up this kind of a webpage. First of all, you need to have a compelling reason for them to give you the information that you are requesting. Secondly, you need to streamline the page so that you get a higher percentage of subscribers as well.

As far as offering incentives for people joining up for your list, the easiest way to do this is by offering something for free. Of course, you’re going to have to keep that free offer within the area of the same niche of your website. It can be almost anything that you want it to be, however, just as long as they find some value in it. One of the easiest ways to do this is by writing a free report and hanging it, just on the other side of the subscribe box. If you make the name of the report and the information description compelling enough, people will fill out the information and click the subscribe button happily.

The next thing that you’re going to have to do is make sure that your squeeze page is streamlined properly. A squeeze page is meant to squeeze out as many e-mail addresses as possible from its visitors. This means that you need to make the webpage one-sided. Don’t stick Adsense ads on the page or leave any other reason for them to leave other than filling out the form or clicking the back button. If a person has too many options, they will either choose the wrong one or choose not at all.

By successfully employing a squeeze page on your website, you would be surprised with how many subscribers you will build in a short period of time. It makes all of your traffic building efforts worthwhile when you see your bottom line increase.

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