Automated Blog Content

Acquiring site visitors to your weblog has been a near nightmare right? It does not have to be that way. I am not going to lie to you there is a bit of work involved on your part, but not as much as you might think. You don’t even have to do alot of writing, Having said that the more you do the better.

Step one, get a blog and I don’t want you to use they are OK if you are running a blog just to weblog, however you would not be here if that was the case. I seriously recommend using your own hosting it is not that expensive, and shared hosting accounts are more than good enough for a weblog or several. My individual preference is WordPress weblogs, but there are many good solutions out now.

The next step is getting content, and getting written content for your blog can be hard especially if you are not very good at writting . Your content material has to be top quality and it has to be exclusive. It will not assist you to just republish someone else’s words it may not hurt you but the more special your content material is the better. Poorly written content articles are far better than copy and pasted articles or blog posts especially at the start when you are trying to get the search engines to find you . Its a bit of a balancing act.

The hard part, getting back links . All the quality content in the world will not help you without links in . No back links = no traffic. This can be more difficult to do than writing a fresh new article. You have to go around and find similar weblogs and remark on the wonderful post they made and than you have to sit and hope they don’t just remove your comment as spam.

Now I have to confess this looks very hard as I have not made it sound easy and I have done it the incorrect way on my site HowToAutoBlog for a long time but I have discovered the answer. SEOLinkVine where you can get almost all of it done at one place,

  • Link building = Yes
  • Fresh Quality Unique Content = Yes
  • Hosting = No But I Think You Can Manage That On Your Own

If you really want to get the most out of it you will write your own content publish to your own blog than share with others now get out there and start blogging.

For regular updates visit HowToAutoBlog (now that I am doing things the right way)