Dealing With A High Bounce Rate on Your Blog There is a lot to think about and take care of when you want your blog to perform well against the competition. All bloggers want tons of readers that stay for hours, and you can get close to that if you get the right knowledge and take action. A sticky blog obviously brings down the overall bounce rate of your blog and makes your readers more interested in what you’re offering. But the good thing is you are not alone, and this article will show you how to reduce your bounce rate for your blog. renegade millionaire bonus If you do not use the related post plugin on your blog, then you are operating on less than all cylinders. When your readers are busy following links and reading, your bounce rate is improving which means lowering. When you have related posts suggestions at the bottom of content, give that a week or two and notice the positive changes. There is no need to wonder if this works or is effective because it has been out for too long. Displaying full posts on your homepage may not be such a good idea when you’re trying to reduce your blog’s bounce rate. People want to be engaged, but you have to make them curious about things and begin exploring. It only makes sense that you would love for people to click so they can go to inner pages rather than the back arrow. So now you have more options available to you, and this is just one thing you can do. recession made renegade millionaire Do let your readers have the ability to comment and interact which is to say enable comments. Not only do you want a sticky blog, but you want repeat visitor traffic. When people comment, you can reply to them and ask questions designed for more comment activity. Interaction and emotional involvement are critical to the success of any site and blog, especially. If you disallow comments, then your rapport will suffer and that will not be good for bounce rate. There you go! Simple to apply tips that actually work and give results when it comes to bringing down the bounce rate of your blog. How much and what you give to your audience will depend, and you have to learn about your readers. You’ll find that your blog’s not only getting noticed by your target audience, but also being followed regularly. Once you have your bounce rate as low as you can, then you will be looking pretty good for that at least.