Email Marketing Basics – How To Treat Your Subscribers

As most people who own and operate websites would know having a means to be able to communicate one on one with your audience is huge. Many people that I know of have developed huge mail lists as a result and believe me, just about anyone on earth can simply install a Popup Domination plugin and get a ton of new subscribers, but at the end of the day, what are we supposed to do with these subscribers? Is there a way that we can do something good with these subscribers that may result in a monetary return at the end of the day? Well, I’m not going to teach you how to make money today, but I am going to teach you the right way to treat your subscribers.

Relationships Matter Big Time!

Many people simply shoot off blind offers to their list, and see as many people subscribing in a day as they do unsubscribe. This is not a good sign, and the reason that this happens is because of one vital fact. They do not build a relationship with the very people that have subscribed to them. Think about it for a moment. If someone you knew quite well told you about a product that they liked, would you be more inclined to buy it than if you were told about it by a door to door sales person? I’m not sure about you, but I generally close the door on anyone who sells at my door, but if a friend makes a recommendation, I’m all ears.

Consider going out of your way to understand what it is that your subscribers want. Even go so far as to ask them directly. Once you know what it is, then deliver it to them. I know, it sounds simple, and believe me, once you know what it is that your followers want, pleasing them and turning them into raved fans will be simple. Why? Because you know how to give them what they want.

Be A Story Teller

Everyone loves a good story, and not just that, but everyone loves a story that leaves us hanging. Consider the impact of creating a sequence of emails that spans out over 3 – 4 emails that tells a great story that the subscriber can relate to, that is associative to the problem that they are having. Using these types of sequences leaves you much more open to making recommendations that may result in sales occurring as well.

Don’t Make It Hard To Unsubscribe

If you are being invited into peoples inboxes, you need to make it easy for people to stop receiving your emails. The reason for this is more complex than most people think. See, more people than I know of have always taught that it is of massive value to keep a line of contact with your subscribers, even after they unsubscribe. Here’s the thing. If I don’t want to receive emails from people, then it is set in stone. If I receive another after I hit the unsubscribe button, then it is the end of that relationship for good.

Although this is a much more advanced method, you can segment your list without passing your subscribers to new and separate lists. At the end of the day however, if one of your subscribers no longer wants to receive email from you, then it is your job to make it as easy as possible for them to do so. Think about it. Once you end that subscription, if it ends on a bad note, it is gone for good. That is an absolutely worse case scenario, and almost always results in bad press. You can recruit as many people using great plugins like Popup Domination, but if you can’t keep them on as either a subscriber of a follower, then you are doomed.

Learn how you can explode your Aweber list with PopUp Domination right now. Visit right now to learn exactly how it is done.