How to Build a Squeeze Page

Want to learn how to build a squeeze page? Good, let’s do it!

I know you’re busy, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. What is the #1 over-looked online marketing strategy today? COLLECTING EMAILS!!!!! I’ve been saying this for YEARS now… *Everyone* should be creating and building targeted email lists. Preferably, with a squeeze page. It’s something that is overlooked by 99% of new marketers online and even the large companies. What are some reasons for creating email lists, besides the fact that targeted email promotions CONVERT AS WELL OR BETTER THAN ALL OTHER PROMOTING EFFORTS?

Hmm, collecting emails…

– Builds a Marketing Base of TARGETED LEADS

– Allows You To Be Intimate With Your Customers and Leads

– Allows You To Easily Share Valuable Information – Gives You A Platform To Promote Your Products

– Gives You A Platform To Promote OTHER PEOPLE’S Products

Last, but not least… – Generates Revenue and Profits for YEARS TO COME

It rarely gets any better than that in the internet business world. So, how do you begin building squeeze pages and collecting valuable emails? Wealthy Affiliate! Wealthy Affiliate will show you the easiest way to create squeeze pages (email collection sites) for WordPress, Blogger, Squidoo, or any other sites you use.

They have courses that will take you from novice or intermediate level, to expert level when it comes to building and managing your email lists. Wealthy Afiliate also comes with an incredible Resource Center, including a step-by-step video tutorial guides, and a support forum. If you match that with all t he other Internet marketing tutorials and guides (400 plus) to mastering Squeeze Pages and Internet marketing and building your email list, you’re getting a TON of tools and resources.

So, what are you waiting for? If you want to increase the number of subscribers to your email list, I give Wealthy Affiliate my highest recommendation. And the great news is you just buy it one time for a small fee and then you own it and have the rights to create an unlimited number of email collecting squeeze pages with it FOREVER. You can literally set up new squeeze pages (email collection sites) in less than 10 minutes.

Did you hear that? You can literally create an attractive squeeze page within minutes and start sending traffic to it immediately. This means you will be able to start collecting emails within the first day of purchasing the theme! Then, after you’ve taken the 12-week course, you will have increased your knowledge and capabilities so that you can MAXIMIZE the number of targeted emails you add to your lists! You don’t want to miss out on this – make sure you head on over to the following page before it’s too late.

Wealthy Affiliate

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