Learn Why You Need A Squeeze Page To Increase The Size Of Your List

Squeeze pages are used very often on the internet nowadays. A Squeeze Page is extremely helpful if you are interested in creating your own opt-in list to use for a successful email marketing campaign.

If you don’t have a targeted list of names and addresses to use for your email campaign – that is, a list of people who are definitely interested in what you have to sell —  the odds are you won’t be very successful in that campaign.

A Squeeze Page is most effective when you offer your visitor a free gift in return for them providing you with their name and email address.  This shoudn’t be a gift that costs money or needs mailing, but should be something that can be electronically transmitted or downloaded.  Items such as a free article, an MP3 that you have recorded, a free e-book or a newsletter are gifts that your Squeeze Page visitor will appreciate.  Remember, they have already expressed an interest in your website or topic so receiving additional information on that subject will be appreciated by them.

Email marketing is one of the most successful and reliable methods of promoting your website or web based business online. And when you are email marketing to people who actually want to be a part of your target market, you stand a much greater chance of making sales.  And it all begins by using a Squeeze Page!

If you’d like information about starting your own online business website as well as other related fields, I’ve just completed a new ebook entitled “Learn How to Easily Create Your Own Website and Actually Understand the Full Process”.
Download it free here:  http://www.newwebsiteteacher.com/index2.html

Sharon Zolna and Larry Zolna are authors of numerous articles as well as instructors of website creation for an online business and other related fields.  Please visit our website at:  http://www.newwebsiteteacher.com/index2.html and sign up for frequent tips on creating your own online business website.

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Sharon Zolna and Larry Zolna are authors of numerous articles as well as instructors of website creation for an online business and other related fields. Please visit our website at: http://www.newwebsiteteacher.com/index2.html and sign up for frequent tips on creating your own online business website