List Building: Your List is an Important Point!

Learned About Opt In One important home business marketing tool is your email list. List building is an important part of having a successful Internet business. There are certain elements of building a list that will determine whether it is a responsive one or not. In this article I want to talk about four critical lessons I have learned about list building.

The fact that you are requiring people to opt in to your list is an important point. There can be no doubt that they want to be on your list because you are requiring them to fill out a form, and then that they confirm their intentions by clicking on a link in their email.

The second point is critical. For more help visit to: By requiring those to click on the link they now become a double opt in subscriber.

Many Internet marketers do require this and although it will cut down on the number of subscribers you get, it will strengthen the quality of the ones you do have. It’s up to you whether you make it double opt in or single opt in, but the fact that people are giving you their contact information confirms their intentions.

It is important that you use an auto responder that can get the job done. By that we mean it will get the messages through spam filters and into the mailboxes of your subscribers. There are different levels of quality auto responders but many of the large Internet marketers today use Weber and Get Response. That should tell you something right there.

The way you build your list should start with eye appealing splash pages. This is the easiest home business marketing on the Internet because it allows you to focus on getting the splash pages out where they can be found.

You want to concentrate on features and benefits when building the splash page. Features are what a person will get from subscribing to your list. Benefits or how it affects them specifically. Keep it short and then direct your reader to fill out the short form and click the submit button.

Having an opt-in subscriber is just the first step in building a quality list. For more detail go to: You often read about the importance of building relationships with the people on your list and this is very true.

A list is more than just a group of names and email addresses. By making yourself a friend of the people who are subscribing you become a trusted business partner. This is critical in home business marketing and will increase the amount of sales that you make to your subscribers over the time that they are on your list.

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